1. Arts, Humanities, and Honors
  2. Spanish Studies

Spanish Studies| Major

Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Arts

Program Overview

The Spanish Studies major prepares students to engage with a globalized world by developing fluency in Spanish and a deep understanding of Hispanic cultures. Spanish is spoken by nearly 400 million people worldwide, making it the second most widely spoken language in the U.S. and a primary language across the Western Hemisphere.

Why Study Spanish?

A major in Spanish Studies allows students to explore Hispanic history, literature, art, and architecture while developing critical communication skills. Students engage with diverse communities, both locally and globally, to enhance their cultural awareness and linguistic proficiency.

Community-Based Learning (CBL)

All Spanish students at Lake Erie College participate in Community-Based Learning (CBL) experiences in the Painesville, Ohio, Hispanic community. This initiative bridges classroom theory with real-world application, fostering cultural understanding and language development while providing valuable community service.

CBL Highlights

40+ Community Partners since Fall 2017 ✔ 650+ Students have participated ✔ 1,950+ Community Service Hours completed

CBL offers an immersive cultural experience, giving students firsthand exposure to Spanish-speaking communities while practicing language skills outside the classroom.

Major Requirements

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Studies must complete 36 semester credits, including:

Core Courses (19 SH)

  • Intermediate Spanish*

  • Intermediate Spanish Lab

  • Spanish Conversation and Composition

  • Advanced Spanish Grammar

  • Spanish for the Professional Environment

  • Introduction to Hispanic Culture and Civilization

  • Spanish Tutoring

  • Senior Research Project

*A minimum grade of C- in Intermediate Spanish is required for admission to the major. **Credits for Spanish Tutoring are earned over two semesters.

Elective Categories (9 SH Required)

Students choose 9 additional semester credits from the following categories:

Professional Spanish

  • Spanish for Medical Professions

  • Spanish for Criminal Justice


  • Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics

Literature & Civilization

  • Introduction to Hispanic Literature

  • Hispanic Women Writers

  • Hispanic Cinema

  • Latin American Dictator Literature

  • Latin American Theater

  • U.S. Latino Literature and Civilization

  • Afro-Caribbean Literature and Civilization

Service & Experiential Learning

  • Service Learning in Spanish

  • Spanish Tutoring

  • Language and Study Abroad

  • Internship in Spanish

Self-Discovery & Special Topics

  • Independent Studies in Spanish

  • Special Topics in Spanish

Heritage Speakers Program

Spanish for Heritage Speakers This course is designed for native Spanish speakers who have had little formal training in the language. Emphasizing writing skills over oral communication, the course may include a community-based learning component. All sessions are conducted in Spanish.

For more information about Spanish Studies…

Jennifer Swartz-Levine, Ph.D

Dean of the School of Arts, Humanities, and Honors; Professor of English and Director of the Writing Center

1 (440) 375-7456


Arts, Humanities, and Honors

College Campus | Royce Hall